Brian Crawford

Host of The New Pittsburgh Exposition Podcast

Brian is the founder of PGH Museums with a long history of community service and nonprofit management dating back to his childhood, where he earned his Eagle Scout, and experience in event planning and new media. Brian has acquired his skill set through goal driven determination and execution without a formal post secondary education. His largest achievement is by organizing the committee, and leading that committee, to create the Millvale Music Festival, a festival which hosts hundreds of bands across more than a dozen venues and attracts thousands of attendees. With his team, Brian oversaw an operating budget for the two day festival of over 70,000 dollars. In addition to the Millvale Music Festival, Brian similarly founded the California University Relay For Life which raised tens of thousands of dollars for the American Cancer Society each year. The event has been held for 13 years.

Brian has worked with government officials on a statewide and municipal level working for the Pennsylvania General Assembly in the House of Representatives and as an elected official serving on North Irwin Borough Council. Brian has helped to put Pittsburgh on the international stage by leading a discussion panel of local podcasters which was live streamed as part of International Podcast Day’s 30+ hour live stream which includes live programs from podcasters from every continent. The panel was held during a local podcast convention, titled Pittsburgh Pod Con, which Brian organized with the help of Sidekick Media Service, Sorgatron Media, and The River’s Edge Radio Network. Brian also helped found, and has since departed, the online radio network, The River’s Edge which streams music from local artists 24 hours a day.

Brian grew up with a fascination in history, particularly local history. He developed his love for art in his mid to late 20’s after moving to the city and being exposed to art through his radio program with The River’s Edge and by joining his friend Randy Hyland exploring museums. Since developing an interest in art, Brian has become an art collector of mostly local art with a goal to donate a life long collection to the community.

Brian Crawford has hosted four Episodes.